Monday, May 23, 2011

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· Today more than ever we must be transparent the use of social resources, said the head of SEDESOL

· resources for social programs are the people, not parties, says

· Comptroller social, civic education and electoral crimes, the issues addressed in the face workshops for beneficiaries and staff of the Sedesol

The Secretary of Social Development, Heriberto Felix Guerra, called beneficiaries of social programs, federal agency personnel and agencies sectorized, a transparent, today more than ever, the use of resources to overcome poverty, to give certainty to Mexico.

Referring to shield Electoral Programme 2010-2011 in the states of Coahuila, Hidalgo, Mexico State Nayarit and Michoacan, federal officials reported that significant progress has been made in the classroom training of beneficiaries and public servants, with special emphasis on social control, crime electoral and civic education, among others.

Heriberto Félix Guerra endorsed that "social programs are the people and do not belong to any candidate or party, so that citizens are required to monitor the resources devoted to poverty are exercised with complete legality and transparency ".

reported that since September 2010 has worked with the delegations of SEDESOL, in slopes of Education and Training, Dissemination, and Transparency, an effort that has trained more than seven thousand beneficiaries in the last eight months, in order to bring their communities the message about the partisan nature of social resources.

Last Friday, the Sedesol and Fepade performed in Mineral de la Reforma, in the state of Hidalgo, a simultaneous workshop on electoral armor. With beneficiaries covered the following topics: a) Training, b) Election Offenses, c) Social Control, and d) Civics. Public officials: a) Election Offenses, b) electoral Shield, and c) Responsibilities administrative.

so far and adherence to state election codes, SEDESOL has been suspended and the dissemination of the achievements of social programs in Nayarit and Mexico State, Coahuila, and make it relevant to 31 May in Hidalgo and August 31 in Michoacan.

on dissemination, the federal agency has set up committees composed Transparency-holders of the delegations, agencies and deconcentrated-sectored as well that have signed the commitment to transparency, by Sedesol public servants.

Also, the federal agency conducts strict monitoring staff in order to prevent you from using your work schedule for campaign purposes, among others.

While it is true that so far have been more than 30 stocks in terms of electoral armor, leaving only two remaining to be completed in the following days:

1) Monitoring the receipt of vehicle fleet, 48 hours before election day, from 9:00 am on Friday prior to the election and up to 24 hours a day in the process.

2) And rescheduling delivery of support in public events competition, which will be implemented from May 24 in Coahuila, Hidalgo and Nayarit, while in the case of the State of Mexico, the suspension will begin on 3 June and Michoacán on 14 October.

For more information, call Fepadetel: 01,800,833 72 33 Interior of the Republic and 53 46 31 03. Email


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