- are as natural disasters that afflict the world today ...?
Oct. 2004
Ambassador Oswaldo de Rivero of Peru to the UN
The current frequency of hurricanes, typhoons, floods, landslides, wildfires and droughts, are only the beginning of a flood disaster that hit hardest in humanity in the future. "An apocalyptic prophecy of Nostradamus? Not so! Those who are two reports warn senior scientific and political. The first International Federation of Red Cross Societies and the second, no less, of the Pentagon.
to the Report of the International Federation of Red Cross, the hydrological disaster has been caused more victims to "drought-famine", followed by floods and hurricanes. During the last decade, the continent with more natural disasters have been disasters Asia with 106, followed by the Americas with 75, Africa 42, Europe 31, Oceania 16. The disaster that affects Asians and Americans are cyclones, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes, while Africans are affected more by drought, famine and the Europeans and the inhabitants of Oceania by flooding.
Also, as this report, the 12 countries with more casualties in the last 10 years were: Bangladesh, India, China, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Sudan, Tanzania, PERU, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil. During the past decade, Peru was one of the countries with more victims throughout the Americas with 1.324 dead and over 600 000 affected as annual average. Surpassed only by Honduras and Nicaragua (Hurricane Mitch) with more than 100 people dead and millions affected.
Both the Report of Federation of Red Cross Societies and the Pentagon stress that the warming of the seas is producing hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones becoming more frequent and melting ice caps, raising dangerously sea level, making vulnerable to many countries and islands to flooding and maretazos. We have recently seen a string of hurricanes, Francis, Ivan, Jeanne, of an intensity never before given and we are witnessing events of Boy / Girl more intense than in the past. Also, the more evaporation water by rising global temperatures are also increasing the torrential rains and floods in Asia, while being produced persistent drought in Africa and South America. While some countries suffer from the increase in hurricanes and floods, other countries experiencing drought and famine.
studies also argue that developing countries are suffering more casualties. Indeed, poor countries can not meet seismic building standards, anticyclonic and exposed to the destructive force of earthquakes and hurricanes. Neither anti-erosion standards observed undergoing major landslides and floods. On the other hand, major famines in poorer countries is caused not only by drought but by civil war, as they are now cases of Sudan and Haiti.
Barbarie Indicator
After more than a century of global temperature measurements, has been since 1979, recorded the 24 warmest years on Earth. The planet has warmed by about 6 degrees Celsius according to the 2001 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to study the relationship between human activity and global warming. This conclusion of the IPCC report is based on research of more than 2,500 scientists from more than 100 countries who have determined that the gases emitted by human activity, acts like a blanket that traps the sun's energy and prevents it from dissipating into space, forming a kind of gases that warm the planet's climate. The most important
this provocative gas greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by the massive use of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil. CO2 emissions have quadrupled since 1950, to the point that the oceans and forests can not absorb and recycle, then accumulates in the atmosphere, trapping solar heat, thus creating a global greenhouse. Failure to limit CO2 emissions and if it they will not replace fossil fuels by clean renewable energy, the Earth's temperature before the end of the next century may rise by 1 to 3 degrees, with catastrophic effects for civilized life.
One of the most influential human activities hydrological natural disasters is, without doubt, the explosive urbanization of the planet. Soon, for the first time since civilization began in the Neolithic, the planet will be an urban planet with production and consumption patterns that are destroying the global ecosystem. Mega-cities and towns now emerging like mushrooms in all hemispheres, seen from space are like huge chimneys of greenhouse gases. Today, the fastest expanding urbanization is the underdeveloped countries, particularly Asia, China, India, Latin America and Africa. This expansion is concentrated and issuing more and more CO2, creating pollution which is affecting most people with allergies and respiratory diseases. At the same time, urban expansion is sucked water from rivers and underground springs, thus contributing to the low food production. On the other hand, the urban explosion deforestation, from Nicaragua to China, the trees disappear, exposing the mountains, hills and slopes of the Earth, thus, that rain destructive torrential reach speeds never before seen.
Behind this irrational human activity maker of hurricanes, cyclones, floods, rising tides, floods, droughts and famines, the predatory logic of current patterns of global production and consumption are unsustainable today with the planet's ecology . Today's current economic growth ideology worships these patterns unsustainable to GNP. Measure of wealth that does not discount the environmental cost. Growing up destroying their own environment is the ideology of the cancer cell and that is no less the alleged economic rationality of a "civilization" that worships Totem of GNP.
This irrationality has to count as a wealth of GNP growth is to pollute and warm the atmosphere, destroys forests, a saline arable land, creating shortages of water, destroy biodiversity, pollute rivers, seas, creating toxic dumps and contribute to increased intensity of natural disasters. Perhaps future generations in the next millennium, when considering the way we produce and consume our civilization classified GNP as an indicator of barbarism.
Today we can say that the only two truly natural disasters are earthquakes that are totally unpredictable and volcanic eruptions are inevitable. Except for these two disasters of a geological, this exacerbation of hydrological disasters of nature comes from a greater or lesser degree, as we have seen, human activities have ended up mad at Mother Nature. In fact, according to scientists, the main cause of major floods, Boys / Girls floods, hurricanes, cyclones and drought, is now the world's climate warming as a result of 150 years of accumulation of gases in the atmosphere from of the industrial revolution.
The Return of Mother Nature
Many of the disasters that are now suffering and the product of ideology material progress, at any cost, that emerged with the industrial revolution that made us believe that man over nature and the pursuit of happiness was boundless consumption linked to the unsustainable growth of GNP. This is more true today, the future of nations has begun to be influenced dramatically by natural causes. Mother Nature has turned vengeful after 200 years of industrialization and neglect.
enter the new millennium, the viability of many poor countries like Peru, will depend more and more to have food, water and clean energy, three vital resources become scarce and expensive for the ecological destruction. As it says Pentagon Report ecology is now a parameter of stability and security. Water shortages, already a global certainty, affect food production and national incurred considerable tension and international conflict. Also, hurricanes and rising tides, have political effects will eventually be viable to many human communities settled in islands and coastal tropical and subtropical regions of the planet. The typhoons have become politically unstable Bangladesh and Hurricane Mitch has further impoverished the countries of Central America.
Similarly, the great intensification of El Niño may be a constant infeasibility for Peru and other poor countries. In China and India, drought, erosion and salinization of agricultural soils, will make these mega-countries lose their food security and begin to import food. The enormous demand for food for 2.500 billion Chinese and Indians will drive up prices, affecting many countries, like Peru, are net food importers. The erosion and drought in developing countries are doing to grow even more migration to cities and increasing unemployment. Definitely, now you can not tell where the world goes without not known ecological trends
The National Oceanic atmosferic Administration and the U.S. estimated that during the century there were 23 children, but all 4 were stronger after 1980. It is then likely that in the future, El Niño, is more devastating, causing humanitarian catastrophes in Peru, not only because it will be intense, but also because 73% of the Peruvian population, ancestral Andean now has concentrated on the coast. And so, this now exposed to more severe child.
If the devastating rains, flooding and landslides of Children become even more destructive and combined well with the poverty of the majority of the population that is now on the coast, the viability economic and social development will always be in check. The warming of the climate of this planet and becoming a major factor of instability and impracticality for many poor nation-states, including Peru. For these reasons, today is a national interest to fight diplomatically, as we are doing at the United Nations, in order to effectively limit emissions of greenhouse gases and not be devastated in the future for Children more fierce.
Mother Nature has returned to tell us that we are no more the owners of the planet, from now on we must take it into account in the way we produce and consume, and that false growth of GDP against ecology pay later with decreasing real natural disaster. In a word reconcile economics with ecology or she will do so. New York
September 2004
Ambassador Oswaldo de Rivero of Peru to the UN
The current frequency of hurricanes, typhoons, floods, landslides, wildfires and droughts, are only the beginning of a flood disaster that hit hardest in humanity in the future. "An apocalyptic prophecy of Nostradamus? Not so! Those who are two reports warn senior scientific and political. The first International Federation of Red Cross Societies and the second, no less, of the Pentagon.
to the Report of the International Federation of Red Cross, the hydrological disaster has been caused more victims to "drought-famine", followed by floods and hurricanes. During the last decade, the continent with more natural disasters have been disasters Asia with 106, followed by the Americas with 75, Africa 42, Europe 31, Oceania 16. The disaster that affects Asians and Americans are cyclones, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes, while Africans are affected more by drought, famine and the Europeans and the inhabitants of Oceania by flooding.
Also, as this report, the 12 countries with more casualties in the last 10 years were: Bangladesh, India, China, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Sudan, Tanzania, PERU, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil. During the past decade, Peru was one of the countries with more victims throughout the Americas with 1.324 dead and over 600 000 affected as annual average. Surpassed only by Honduras and Nicaragua (Hurricane Mitch) with more than 100 people dead and millions affected.
Both the Report of Federation of Red Cross Societies and the Pentagon stress that the warming of the seas is producing hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones becoming more frequent and melting ice caps, raising dangerously sea level, making vulnerable to many countries and islands to flooding and maretazos. We have recently seen a string of hurricanes, Francis, Ivan, Jeanne, of an intensity never before given and we are witnessing events of Boy / Girl more intense than in the past. Also, the more evaporation water by rising global temperatures are also increasing the torrential rains and floods in Asia, while being produced persistent drought in Africa and South America. While some countries suffer from the increase in hurricanes and floods, other countries experiencing drought and famine.
studies also argue that developing countries are suffering more casualties. Indeed, poor countries can not meet seismic building standards, anticyclonic and exposed to the destructive force of earthquakes and hurricanes. Neither anti-erosion standards observed undergoing major landslides and floods. On the other hand, major famines in poorer countries is caused not only by drought but by civil war, as they are now cases of Sudan and Haiti.
Barbarie Indicator
After more than a century of global temperature measurements, has been since 1979, recorded the 24 warmest years on Earth. The planet has warmed by about 6 degrees Celsius according to the 2001 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to study the relationship between human activity and global warming. This conclusion of the IPCC report is based on research of more than 2,500 scientists from more than 100 countries who have determined that the gases emitted by human activity, acts like a blanket that traps the sun's energy and prevents it from dissipating into space, forming a kind of gases that warm the planet's climate. The most important
this provocative gas greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by the massive use of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil. CO2 emissions have quadrupled since 1950, to the point that the oceans and forests can not absorb and recycle, then accumulates in the atmosphere, trapping solar heat, thus creating a global greenhouse. Failure to limit CO2 emissions and if it they will not replace fossil fuels by clean renewable energy, the Earth's temperature before the end of the next century may rise by 1 to 3 degrees, with catastrophic effects for civilized life.
One of the most influential human activities hydrological natural disasters is, without doubt, the explosive urbanization of the planet. Soon, for the first time since civilization began in the Neolithic, the planet will be an urban planet with production and consumption patterns that are destroying the global ecosystem. Mega-cities and towns now emerging like mushrooms in all hemispheres, seen from space are like huge chimneys of greenhouse gases. Today, the fastest expanding urbanization is the underdeveloped countries, particularly Asia, China, India, Latin America and Africa. This expansion is concentrated and issuing more and more CO2, creating pollution which is affecting most people with allergies and respiratory diseases. At the same time, urban expansion is sucked water from rivers and underground springs, thus contributing to the low food production. On the other hand, the urban explosion deforestation, from Nicaragua to China, the trees disappear, exposing the mountains, hills and slopes of the Earth, thus, that rain destructive torrential reach speeds never before seen.
Behind this irrational human activity maker of hurricanes, cyclones, floods, rising tides, floods, droughts and famines, the predatory logic of current patterns of global production and consumption are unsustainable today with the planet's ecology . Today's current economic growth ideology worships these patterns unsustainable to GNP. Measure of wealth that does not discount the environmental cost. Growing up destroying their own environment is the ideology of the cancer cell and that is no less the alleged economic rationality of a "civilization" that worships Totem of GNP.
This irrationality has to count as a wealth of GNP growth is to pollute and warm the atmosphere, destroys forests, a saline arable land, creating shortages of water, destroy biodiversity, pollute rivers, seas, creating toxic dumps and contribute to increased intensity of natural disasters. Perhaps future generations in the next millennium, when considering the way we produce and consume our civilization classified GNP as an indicator of barbarism.
Today we can say that the only two truly natural disasters are earthquakes that are totally unpredictable and volcanic eruptions are inevitable. Except for these two disasters of a geological, this exacerbation of hydrological disasters of nature comes from a greater or lesser degree, as we have seen, human activities have ended up mad at Mother Nature. In fact, according to scientists, the main cause of major floods, Boys / Girls floods, hurricanes, cyclones and drought, is now the world's climate warming as a result of 150 years of accumulation of gases in the atmosphere from of the industrial revolution.
The Return of Mother Nature
Many of the disasters that are now suffering and the product of ideology material progress, at any cost, that emerged with the industrial revolution that made us believe that man over nature and the pursuit of happiness was boundless consumption linked to the unsustainable growth of GNP. This is more true today, the future of nations has begun to be influenced dramatically by natural causes. Mother Nature has turned vengeful after 200 years of industrialization and neglect.
enter the new millennium, the viability of many poor countries like Peru, will depend more and more to have food, water and clean energy, three vital resources become scarce and expensive for the ecological destruction. As it says Pentagon Report ecology is now a parameter of stability and security. Water shortages, already a global certainty, affect food production and national incurred considerable tension and international conflict. Also, hurricanes and rising tides, have political effects will eventually be viable to many human communities settled in islands and coastal tropical and subtropical regions of the planet. The typhoons have become politically unstable Bangladesh and Hurricane Mitch has further impoverished the countries of Central America.
Similarly, the great intensification of El Niño may be a constant infeasibility for Peru and other poor countries. In China and India, drought, erosion and salinization of agricultural soils, will make these mega-countries lose their food security and begin to import food. The enormous demand for food for 2.500 billion Chinese and Indians will drive up prices, affecting many countries, like Peru, are net food importers. The erosion and drought in developing countries are doing to grow even more migration to cities and increasing unemployment. Definitely, now you can not tell where the world goes without not known ecological trends
The National Oceanic atmosferic Administration and the U.S. estimated that during the century there were 23 children, but all 4 were stronger after 1980. It is then likely that in the future, El Niño, is more devastating, causing humanitarian catastrophes in Peru, not only because it will be intense, but also because 73% of the Peruvian population, ancestral Andean now has concentrated on the coast. And so, this now exposed to more severe child.
If the devastating rains, flooding and landslides of Children become even more destructive and combined well with the poverty of the majority of the population that is now on the coast, the viability economic and social development will always be in check. The warming of the climate of this planet and becoming a major factor of instability and impracticality for many poor nation-states, including Peru. For these reasons, today is a national interest to fight diplomatically, as we are doing at the United Nations, in order to effectively limit emissions of greenhouse gases and not be devastated in the future for Children more fierce.
Mother Nature has returned to tell us that we are no more the owners of the planet, from now on we must take it into account in the way we produce and consume, and that false growth of GDP against ecology pay later with decreasing real natural disaster. In a word reconcile economics with ecology or she will do so. New York
September 2004
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