democratic diplomacy in foreign policy
democratic diplomacy in foreign policy
In Honor of Torre Tagle
"Here are the shameful cables and policies of Trazegnies and Jorge Valdez, telling him to instruct our delegations to say that Fujimori was with 49.96% of the vote and had formed an emergency committee to defend the victory of President. Here they are, sir, the cables that sent these people from the Foreign Ministry to our missions abroad, while the people here fajaba to regain democracy, freedom and transparency that cost us blood, sweat and tears to end this dictatorship . "(Javier Diez Canseco) (31/10/2001)
(Views of the Labor Committee, went to Bill No. 001/2001-CR, to restore the democratic institutions of the Republic's diplomatic service and reset the status of diplomatic activity to improperly dismissed) eleccion/message/10541
Arts. RELS.: The Role of Congress
Javier Diez Canseco, Townsend Annel yGonzales Posada on the re-establish the SDP in Congress.
Javier Diez Canseco, Townsend Annel yGonzales Posada on the re-establish the SDP in Congress.
RPP to Embj interview. Jorge Valdez
Embj Interview. De la Puente Rabdil: "We must distinguish between ycomplicidad dignity." Http://
Report of the Institutional Ethics Committee of the SDP (I-II) eleccion/message/10088
opinion of the Committee of Foreign Affairs for re-establish the SDP.
Democratic Charter and "due obedience" (I-II) group/eleccion/message/8140
C. Editor Gayoso
In Honor of Torre Tagle. 13/02/2002
In Honor of Torre Tagle. 13/02/2002
(*) Oswaldo De Rivero.
(*) Letter Embj response. Oswaldo De Rivero to Embj. Jorge Valdez sent to the Honor Council of the Association of Diplomats of Peru because the Embj. Valdez is accused of "instigating a smear campaign of the Foreign Service" and to request his resignation to Torre Tagle.
Document submitted for publication in this edition of the Democratic Network.
C. Editor Gayoso
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Fujimontesinsimo and foreign policy
for the honor of Torre Tagle.
(*) Embj. Oswaldo De Rivero.
Fujimontesinsimo and foreign policy
for the honor of Torre Tagle.
(*) Embj. Oswaldo De Rivero.
(New York , Red Democrática)
Nueva York, 11 de febrero del 2002
Señor Embajador Carlos Higueras Ramos
Presidente del Consejo de Honor de la Asociación de Funcionarios Diplomáticos del Perú,Lima Querido Embajador y amigo,
A continuación le hago llegar la presentecarta titulada "El Honor de Torre Tagle" para el uso del Consejo de Honor que usted preside
Por el Honor de Torre Tagle
Por el Honor de Torre Tagle
Honor is a virtue. As every virtue is a practice difficult. Implies a constant internal struggle to renounce ambitions, life projects and sometimes life itself for the sake of dignity. The defense of personal honor, especially in hierarchical careers as military, diplomatic and other public often involves resign in dignity and with it loss of privileges and material living standards.
I had this internal struggle and experience. I confess all my colleagues that it was not easy making the decision that I left the Foreign Service when stopped at my friends and colleagues. Nor was anything easy to decide later publicly confront autócratay corrupt Fujimori government, when he was at the height of his power, when most praised him in Peru, was undergoing or at least tolerated.
I do not criticize my fellow Ambassadors who are not asking for your pass to the availability against injustice, I understand the doubts intimate ethical and respect the right of my colleagues to resign or not. However, I do not respect the Ambassador that achieves the highest positions within an autocracy, then do not ask your pass to the availability when democracy dispensed with their services publicly.
Top Ambassador Valdez officials agreed when the autocracy became the greatest turpitude and arbitrariness. Never dared to say "enough" to fujimontesinismo and when the current democratic government of Peru and his Council of Ministers refused to follow him as his ambassador representing the United Nations and it was the new Ambassador to Uruguay, did not dare to ladisponibilidad order your pass. This lack of waiver is for me at odds with the practice of the virtue of honor.
Today, Ambassador Valdez with theatrical fake tears his garments, I accuse me, I quit for the injury to the honor of our Diplomatic Service of Peru because the Embj. Valdez accuses me of "instigating a smear campaign of the Foreign Service." And arrogantly turns to the Council of Honor of the Association, but unfortunately the facts show that until now has never exercised this virtue. Could not adapt to democratic government because they realized that their submission to the band autocrat who ruled Peru was too obvious and Honor Council launches without realizing that existing davia well-founded doubts about the correctness of the account opening for the rental of a helicopter of the Peruvian Army to the United Nations and the transfer of the first payment of more than one million dollars for the rent to Switzerland.
This investigation should not end, the situation is by no means clear and will have to clear up the whole truth for the honor of the Service, for which I am willing to cooperate as a witness and other witnesses, not only to Honor Council of the Foreign Ministry but also in research that should resume the Foreign Ministry, the Congress and the judiciary. In his recent interview with Radioprogramas, Valdez wants to appear as legitimate the irregular opening of the account of the helicopter and also make legitimate irregular rotation of the first payment of over a million dollars to the Global company based in Switzerland. Says he could not deposit the money gave the United Nations as part of the rental of the helicopter in the account of his mission in New York because it is forbidden to deposit money in the accounts of others who have the Missions for its functions.
If as provided by Article 4.5 of the Directives of the DS 005-97-RG and RS 0105 on February 20, 1997, is prohibited outside deposit money into an account already established, is also logically forbidden to create a new account to deposit the money of others. The mandate of the provisions can neither deposit nor open new accounts in the name of the Mission of Peru to deposit money that are unrelated to economic progress of them.
Ambassador Valdez explained that the opening of the new account is because I could not keep a "check in hand" and then explains that turning the money to Switzerland by "instructions from the Army Aviation." What Ambassador of Peru, not to be "with a check in hand" has power of attorney to open accounts abroad of funds outside their missions without a statutory provision that expressly exempts estaobligación. What Ambassador of Peru can then send these funds to Switzerland by "instructions from the Army Aviation, or Armored Division, or the Submarine Base Squadron or the Sukoi 25. Since when received instructions from military units? . Valdez did. The instructions he received was that of the corrupt General Edmundo Silva Tejada and Luis Salazar Monroe.
Unfortunately, what has made the Ambassador Valdez is irregular and bad of this irregularity is that it is connected to a fraudulent rent made by General Fujimori. I definitely do not think that Ambassador Jorge Valdez has benefited economically from it, but I think it was too submissive to power shift. It was this submission that made him indifferent, irritable and sometimes hostile to certain scheme and also took him mainly to a lack of solidarity and determination against unfair delays the rise of the most talented fellow promotion, Ambassador Manuel Rodríguez. It was the submission that led him to be silent against the unlawful withdrawal of Peru from the Charter of San Jose. Submission also took him to the Tiwinza duplication in the case against former Foreign Minister Ferrero, who had to resign. Finally would this submission, the documents that have the Congress, which would have led to issue instructions to mask the fraudulent electoral victory of Fujimori. All this submission Ambassador Valdez is for me a significant shortfall in the practice of the virtue of honor that you must evaluate Honor Council of the Association. However, I believe we must go beyond the ethical evaluations. I think it should establish an official commission of the Foreign Ministry to fully restore the institutions, the honor and tranquility in Torre Tagle, whose main tasks, among others, are: 1. Knowledge once and for all of the names of diplomats who participated in the cessation ilegal.2. Continue research on the opening of the account for payment and money to rent Helicóptero.3 Switzerland. Investigate whether there were instructions to disguise the fraudulent elections of 2000 and, therefore, if no presumption of crime against the public apology will popular.Sin de los funcionarios que participaron en el cese de los 117 y la aceptación de ellas por los agraviados, no podrá jamás haber reconciliación, honor y sosiego en la Cancillería. Sin la verdad total sobre el Helicóptero y del pasaporte a Montesinos, habrá siempre dudas sobre la vinculación de la Cancillería con la corrupción. Sin saber si hubieron instrucciones para maquillar el fraude no habrá jamás reconciliación entra la diplomacia y la democracia.
La verdad sigue evasiva en la Cancillería . Si esto continúa jamás se volverá a Institucionalizar el Servicio Diplomático porque no habrá tradición de honor que generaciones.Los transmit to the new young diplomats should know that there are limits "due obedience to the state." These are: the violation of its Constitution against arbitrary law, human rights violation , impunity, corruption and theft of popular sovereignty and electoral fraud. The "due obedience to the state" has only one judge, our conscience tells us how long she must obey, even when to hold and when to id est: Basta!. But if always numb our conscience with diplomatic privileges and perks, we fall into a deficit of honor which is very difficult leave because honor is not recovered with loans taken out half-truths.
Honor can only be retrieved with the arrepentimiento.No anesthetize our consciences, let us not fool ourselves with the "due obedience to the state." If we do our delusions, we believe we are victims, we tore their clothes accusing others of "defamation". The suffering that is now the Ambassador Valdez I have not done me the honor I have practiced, nor have caused the dismissed so desperate arbitrariness, abuse and indifference. Valdez's suffering, I understand (I'm glad) comes, ultimately, their excessive submission to evil (Fujimori). Total submission to not let him say: enough is enough, denouncing evil and return to find harmony with their conscience and democracy peruana.El called "government" of Fujimori government was not comparable in their benefits or other past governments mistakes of Peru, including military. Fujimori's government was something totally new, it was evil. was a criminal, corrupt viscerally that gripped the state, which bought consciousness in all social and professional, which damaged the moral fabric of Peruvian society. While it is understandable that, at first, was supported by his outstanding fighting terrorism, then that government does not deserve the "due obedience the state "when he destroyed the Constitutional Court of the State of Peru, Peru withdrew the State Court of San Jose, gave amnesty Peru State human rights violators, provided support of the State of Peru to the massive foreign rights violators human, materiel purchased useless when the State of Peru was in conflict, he used the State of Peru in trafficking arms and drugs and stole the Peruvian people's sovereignty which is the very source of state sovereignty peruano.Hoy this sad experience of a few Ambassadors submissive to the autocracy, which deceived their consciences with a "due obedience" to enjoy the best our foreign embassies, was defending the indefensible, let our country break with the democratic community of nations and had the most impresentable image in its history.
in developed democratic countries, nor even the military has the obligation of "due obedience" to orders of his superiors involving constitutional violations, human rights violations and violations of the Geneva Conventions. For the honor of Torre Tagle and all new generations, Peruvian diplomats, from now on, we should be more submissive to governments or ministers of state, or Secretaries-General Ambassadors and we instruct or induce erode democracy, electoral fraud to disguise or defend massive violations of human rights and, above all, governments that seek to destroy, without reason and law, the dignity of our people and our institución.Debemos reconciliation. She is indispensable for calm and unity in the Chancellery. Once done, we must organize our Association in a true union solidarity to defend decency and honor to our institution against any tyranny that want to become advocates of obscenity under the fallacy of "due obedience to the state." Torre's soul Tagle should begin to be part of the soul century. The soul of this century is being shaped by the triumph of human spirit over the Reason of State, the emergence of a global citizen who wants to live in democracy and without fear of violation of their political, economic and ecological. No obedience to the state is higher than the honor and dignity of its citizens. Torre Tagle turned into a community of twenty-first century citizens pluralistic political thoughts, but all in all true democrats, men of honor who will not submit to any arbitrary rule in the futuro.Reciba a big hug,
( *) Oswaldo de Rivero
Ambassador Permanent Representative the United Nations Perúante
New York, February 2002
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