Saturday, May 17, 2008

Is It Ok To Go Tanning After Eyebrows Waxed

- Narco global enclaves ...


February 2008 Good Government in February 2008

global enclaves
narcos Oswaldo de Rivero

Today moving global financial resources of around 400 billion dollars annually. Of these, more than 5 billion goes directly to farmers in developing countries and 100 billion to end drug trafficking. When farmers and drug traffickers operating in the territory of a country is integrated into this financial flow, the territory where the act becomes a narco enclave with enormous financial resources that allow you to defend militarily and also radiate corruption and political influence in the field national.

These powerful enclaves exist in regions of the world that are profitable due to climatic conditions for growing coca and poppy and get cocaine and heroin the two most sought after hard drugs in the world. In Asia there are two major global producers of heroin enclaves, the "Golden Crescent" and the Golden Triangle. The first crop includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey and the second of Burma, Laos and Thailand. In Latin America the enclave are predominant exporter of cocaine in Colombia, but there are clear indications that is forming a new global enclave in Peru, in the valleys of Apurimac and Ene rivers (VRAI)

enclaves when they achieve global narcos export a critical mass of heroin or cocaine maintaining and begin to be governed and defended by drug traffickers who become in real warlords defenders with modern weapons and ferocity plantations, processing facilities and marketing channels, like home. These territories are de facto autonomous state authorities where they exist, they are bought or deterred.

Defending the global narco enclave creates a sort of perpetual conflict, a sort of war of the end of the world, with long periods of violence, armed truce and the resumption of violence as it does in Colombia and in Asia. Also these sites have a large global drug reproductive fitness. When a territory is under pressure from new emerging eradication either in the same country or in neighboring countries, as happened with Plan Colombia, which has brought forth new crops in that country and also favored the expansion of crops in the VRAI.

Today, Peru is the second largest producer of cocaine, produces 29% of world production and the global economic fact already defends narco-mercenaries and assassins in the Central Huallaga and especially now in the VRAI, which emerged as the leading producer of coca in Peru, where he also is involved Mexican drug mafia.

Since 2004 there have been nearly 100 incidents, attacks and attacks with powerful modern weapons against drug policies. The bombers are not terrorists or guerrillas who want power in Peru, but remnants of Sendero and new recruits ex-police officers, graduates and young people have joined the drug trade to participate in the global gains it provides. Although a mattress marxistoide thunders are an armed gang of drug traffickers who fiercely defends his golden underground capitalist enclave.

The buoyant exports of cocaine to the United States and Europe, via the Mexican ports of Peru without need of TLC and all these attacks and military reprisals against the seizure and eradication of cocaine and plantations in Peru suggests that already is achieving the critical mass of production and export of cocaine necessary to emerge a few global enclave in VRAI perennial.

If this happens, Peruvian society will be even more corrupt than it is. Drug interests infiltrate the economy, politics, justice, sport, as has happened in all countries with narcos globalized enclaves. Moreover, the new Peruvian narco enclave "will work" to hundreds of unemployed youth who will change the cloth to wash cars with a Kalashnikov and earn in dollars. Be members of the "army of liberation" but with better ideological camouflage the FARC, because Peru has more historical pirouettes Colombia. Thus, the new cadets will be drug rights advocates ancestral Peruvian coca cultivation (narco enclave) against a "corrupt state and sold to the empire."
The establishment of a global drug enclave in Peru in the VRAI not easily be eradicated by military force. In Colombia there has been not with the help of the United States. We must avoid falling into a similar perpetual conflict. There must be fought militarily but only prevent the production of cocaine out as easily across borders and ports of Peru and at the same time, prevent money laundering in the country and abroad. In short, we must take the spot in training their local and global financial connection to let poor.

If this is not done and the enclave is perpetuated in Peru, the division of territory and the monopoly of the use of force by the state will lose. The country then gradually become an "ungovernable chaotic entity" like Colombia, where the government has to negotiate with drug traffickers, as if they were another sovereign territorial entity.


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