Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Seconal Available In Ontario

Linares tv presents: Concert II Chapter

This time, policymakers are encouraging the party Alcayaga Gabriel and Los Chicoca Chorera, here is Chapter II.

Alcayaga Gabriel and Los Chicoca Chorera from concert on Vimeo .

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunshine Company Raisen Biscut Recipe

greeting Claudio "Carrumba" Cholomandinga Vocalist to Release Records Macuto


Cholomandinga from combinadonacionaltv on Vimeo .

Monday, December 7, 2009

Milena Velba Does Hard Core

CN - Rock Underground

For Marcos Alvarez
A couple of weeks ago it launched a new space surfer played by the rock. Albums is Macuto , local label created in 2003 to bring together a community of underground bands and Concepción Undergraund to try their luck with the diffusion and release of their material. The new play of the seal was the positioning on the web, which has several sections and news. Redeemable

initiatives are how are you, it is here is truly hard work of local bands to achieve a seat on the national scene. Independent, no means to be indie, no defined style or otherwise not identify with anything. It means sacrifice, sweat and sorrow, the struggle is constant and daily wear, but the new tools of propagation how are you, serve a lot to make themselves known, which is why we must be aware and inform us of what is happening with the intellectual property law and its discussion in the Senate. not going to be getting caught off guard, ask him and cursing end (?)

Since its inception Macuto Records edited several bands of different musical styles in the beginning are: Supercabrón (creators of the label), Anastazia, Wilted Flowers and I Kill Kenny . Currently, the label works with newer bands noted for their power and live sound. Locals Kayros with stoner rock, Pastoral (Valparaiso), Kafarenass , Morales (Valparaiso). For the optical noise is heard Alcayaga Gabriel and Mr. Absinthe.

also highlights the sale of records at a reasonable price, these can be purchased through the web and live events. Within the sections of the page you can see the official dates of the bands and their respective contact

an event that not only congratulate Macuto Records for the initiative and invite you to listen to these bands and buy their records to this project can be financed and continue spreading the rock.

Web: Albums Macuto

Boobs Grooping In Train

Events - "Party All Night Rock" on Black Ice Concepción

Where? LZO Society. Arenas, Tucapel # 852, Concepción.

When? Friday 11 December

Time? 23 hrs.

How much? $ 2000 c / c the first 100 / $ 2500 c / c Second 100 / $ 3000 c / c Day Event. Capacity Max. 400. Pre-sale in "Purgatorio Bar", Portal # 531.

artist? Black Ice + + Supercabrón Peter Ron

Thanks Letter For Coach

Events - "The Date of the Year" Fiskales Ad - Hok in Concepcion National Combined

Where? LZO Society. Arenas, Tucapel # 852, Concepción.

When? Friday 11 December

Time? 18 hrs.

How much? $ 3000 The first 100 / $ 4000 the other 300. Capacity Max. 400. Pre-sale in "Alive and Kicking", Rengo 672.

artist? Pegotes Fiskales + Ad - Hok - Parade BBs