Today we want to present, for the fourth consecutive year, the workshop Madrid Flamenco International 2009 which is organized by Gabriel DA ROCHA, The New Flamenco Academy.
are organizing an international meeting in collaboration with the famous Academia Amor de Dios in Madrid.
This is a workshop to run from August 1 until August 8, 2009 and tried to instill the art of Flamenco in all disciplines: Rhythm and Palmas, Singing, Guitar and Dance.
For all levels, from beginners to advanced, as well as professional dancers, singing and music. It is open to the public, with no nationality requirement.
are seeking ambassadors in each country and city to develop this

is an association without any profit motive. It was founded on May 19, 2006 by students of the New Academy of Flamenco, the closest relatives and supporters of both teaching methods developed by Gabriel DA ROCHA, as the principles that lead
The person who brings together five people for the workshop, pay only 50% of the course, and if it gets to collect a total of 10 registered will not pay anything and you can take the classes you want.
want it to be truly international, and each year cheaper and more targeted to the educational needs of each student and teachers.
need help with people who have the same concerns as them for a quality teaching Flamenco and an absolute desire to leave something concrete to students.
not hesitate to contact them for whatever you want, information of any kind, I would greatly appreciate your cooperation and I encourage you to I think it seems to me very good idea, I play guitar and despite having a Madrid little far I'm seriously considering. Now it is up to you who opiánis.
- More info and Contact: gabriel.da.rocha @ new-academy-of-flamenco.com
- Download and print your application form
- Find out everything here.
- and also very interesting for those who sign up and want information about the stay in Madrid: The Student Guide
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