Ahora en 2009 ha presentado "Algo" en el prestigioso Festival Jerez, being awarded the "Breakthrough Award" and won praise from critics and audiences.

this month can not see almost here, I leave the list of activities this month for this gem:
July 16, 2009 12:00 Classes
Love of God, every day of 12 : 00 to 13:00
Madrid July 16, 2009 20:00
Juan Antonio Suarez "Cano" and Concha Jarecki. Edinburgh (Scotland),
July 17, 2009 20:00
With "Ensemble Hispanico Numen" Edinburgh (Scotland)
July 18, 2009 12:00
Flamenco Course in Dublin on 18 and 19 July. Inf: (nathalie@flamencoyalegria.net) Dublin
July 19, 2009 20:00
Show "Just Flamenco" Dublin Dublin
Concha Jarecki presents as a leading interpreter this art, which has led to important venues and festivals in and outside the country.
appear in their educational path names like Yolanda Heredia, La China, Cristobal Reyes, La Tati, Pedro Azorin among others. Began in 1998 with the company of Rafael de Cordoba. I followed the draft Yolanda Heredia, "Women on the Verge of a bata de cola", which starred Jarecki Concha Belén Maya.
Rafaela Carrasco works like "Music of the body" and "Another look at the Flamenco" is carried important festivals, is also recognized guest tablaos. In 2005 signed the creation of the show "And batita tail" with Yolanda Heredia and Isabel Bayon.
project is choreographer of jazz-flamenco "Heritage" with Gemma Morado. In March 2008 he premiered his first play "Something", the flamenco festival "Flamingo" in Helsinki in Finland. Participate in the 2007 Biennial Malaga, Flamenco from the South 2008 and the Festival de Jerez 2008 as guest of the show "Flamenco XXI: Coffee, Cup and Puro" Dospormedio Company.
In August of that year chooses the Triangle Chamber of Madrid for the coming-out of the original proposals solo, "Something" and "Just Flamenco" two parallel spectacles in which Shell Jarecki decided not to mix and presents two sides: the Flemish and more free. School teacher at the legendary love of God, since 2004 and intensive courses taught throughout the world. Concha
Jarecki has also received the award for best solo choreography Choreography Competition in the English Dance and Flamenco in Madrid, as well as second prize in the Concurso de Cante de las Minas Flamenco 2008.
In 2009 he presented "Something" at the prestigious Festival de Jerez, being awarded the "Breakthrough Award" and won praise from critics and audiences.
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