Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Seconal Available In Ontario

Linares tv presents: Concert II Chapter

This time, policymakers are encouraging the party Alcayaga Gabriel and Los Chicoca Chorera, here is Chapter II.

Alcayaga Gabriel and Los Chicoca Chorera from concert on Vimeo .

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunshine Company Raisen Biscut Recipe

greeting Claudio "Carrumba" Cholomandinga Vocalist to Release Records Macuto


Cholomandinga from combinadonacionaltv on Vimeo .

Monday, December 7, 2009

Milena Velba Does Hard Core

CN - Rock Underground

For Marcos Alvarez
A couple of weeks ago it launched a new space surfer played by the rock. Albums is Macuto , local label created in 2003 to bring together a community of underground bands and Concepción Undergraund to try their luck with the diffusion and release of their material. The new play of the seal was the positioning on the web, which has several sections and news. Redeemable

initiatives are how are you, it is here is truly hard work of local bands to achieve a seat on the national scene. Independent, no means to be indie, no defined style or otherwise not identify with anything. It means sacrifice, sweat and sorrow, the struggle is constant and daily wear, but the new tools of propagation how are you, serve a lot to make themselves known, which is why we must be aware and inform us of what is happening with the intellectual property law and its discussion in the Senate. not going to be getting caught off guard, ask him and cursing end (?)

Since its inception Macuto Records edited several bands of different musical styles in the beginning are: Supercabrón (creators of the label), Anastazia, Wilted Flowers and I Kill Kenny . Currently, the label works with newer bands noted for their power and live sound. Locals Kayros with stoner rock, Pastoral (Valparaiso), Kafarenass , Morales (Valparaiso). For the optical noise is heard Alcayaga Gabriel and Mr. Absinthe.

also highlights the sale of records at a reasonable price, these can be purchased through the web and live events. Within the sections of the page you can see the official dates of the bands and their respective contact

an event that not only congratulate Macuto Records for the initiative and invite you to listen to these bands and buy their records to this project can be financed and continue spreading the rock.

Web: Albums Macuto

Boobs Grooping In Train

Events - "Party All Night Rock" on Black Ice Concepción

Where? LZO Society. Arenas, Tucapel # 852, Concepción.

When? Friday 11 December

Time? 23 hrs.

How much? $ 2000 c / c the first 100 / $ 2500 c / c Second 100 / $ 3000 c / c Day Event. Capacity Max. 400. Pre-sale in "Purgatorio Bar", Portal # 531.

artist? Black Ice + + Supercabrón Peter Ron

Thanks Letter For Coach

Events - "The Date of the Year" Fiskales Ad - Hok in Concepcion National Combined

Where? LZO Society. Arenas, Tucapel # 852, Concepción.

When? Friday 11 December

Time? 18 hrs.

How much? $ 3000 The first 100 / $ 4000 the other 300. Capacity Max. 400. Pre-sale in "Alive and Kicking", Rengo 672.

artist? Pegotes Fiskales + Ad - Hok - Parade BBs

Monday, November 30, 2009

Facebook Login For Mac

tv presents:

came to light the first chapter of Concert, an audiovisual record of musicians Concepción. IndieGente , the producer in charge of this series, aims to disseminate the work of local artists with limited resources as a way of demonstrating that the regions if they can do great things.

As we said earlier this season with the participation of Rocio Peña, Cantáreman , Intruder, Gabriel Alcayaga and Chicoca Chorera, and as a bonus track to Kaskivano and Chinoy.

Here is the first chapter:

Cantáreman from concert on Vimeo .

How To Put Cheats On Gpsphone On Itouch

Concert Live - Release Concert: Rise of the precarious

(© potq.cl)

By Gerardo Berrios

The past week was Concert to launch a separate proposal that seeks to present a very professional manner and with minimal resources, the artistic work of Metropolitan Design and create, at a time, a record which establishes how this environment, culture, people, geographical location in which it is located, ie, the "whole" that is Conce, are decisive when it comes to giving every artist that germinates from this cradle a particular style. Producer IndieGente
accused of being perpetrators and instigators of the event, were responsible for recording artists in action Rocío Peña, Cantáreman or Intruder, among others. Recordings were typical of events in places such as Pedestrian penquista Barros Arana and Vega The effort, which already provides an audio-visually innovative style that will perpetuate the close relationship between artists and the land is not always given every opportunity to develop art.
not enough just to acknowledge the brilliant work done by IndieGente, but it should also highlight the quality of local bands chosen by the producers, which is explicit for example, in the mise en scène transgressive instrumental Kutral Fey or in proximity to public holiday Gabriel Alcayaga and Chorera Chicoca.
Finally, let guest the public to be aware of the following movements of the Producer IndieGente, who, drawing on the resources rather than monetary friendly, and have in mind as notorious Chinoy and Kaskivano for future deliveries of this Concert.

thank IndieGente Production for the invitation.

Asics Wrestling Back Pack

Manu Chao Radio Bemba - Panik Panik / El Hoyo Manu greeting

Manu Chao - Panik Panik / El Hoyo from combinadonacionaltv on Vimeo .

Friday, November 27, 2009

Rent To Own Rims And Tires Phx Az

Chao for LS and CN

Manu Chao Welcome to CN from combinadonacionaltv on Vimeo .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Teppanyaki Chef Knife

Live - Manu Chao Radio Bemba - Tombolatour - Design

For Marcos Alvarez
All dreams are possible, if not, ask more than 3ooo people who came to enjoy the historic journey that is lived today in the Event Center SurActivo. Due to the pressure exerted by the group on facebook " CONCEPTION also wants to MANU CHAO" we enjoyed the main objective is only in the memory of the thousands who came to the event will be the more than 2 hours of concert and total surrender of the band.

all started when the clock read 20.15 hrs. and Jerusalem Selazo + Dj Sound System Urban took the stage to warm the spirits of the attendees. In a short but intense presentation made it such local musicians as the name of the city and 15 minutes fulfilled what was promised, Teloni to Manu Chao. But as time passed was reaching more people and just after 20.30 hrs. The group went on stage Debt. Santiago grouping with strong influences of salsa, tropical and Latin American music, he did dance around the SurActivo. After this grouping would MAPURBE Time, a group charged with making a Mapuche ritual, the audience listened with respect and applauded fielemente. MAPURBE is characterized by a Mapuche urban poetry that asks for the release of Mapuche political prisoners incarcerated by the Chilean state.

Over an hour had passed between these three presentations and tempers grew and grew in the hopes of Manu Chao and Radio Bemba. As budgeted, the show will start at 21.15 hrs, but missing 15 minutes before 22 am, starting to sound classic introductory music your show. It turned on the lights and sound first was the battery, accompanied by percussion. Summary then the keyboard, guitar, bass, trumpet and last Manu. "Good Night Conception" Panik Panik sounded and the first words of the concert were dedicated to the Mapuche people: "This concert is dedicated to the Mapuche people fighting for their land." They came and came

classic sounded "I like you", "Welcome to Tijuana", "Clandestino" and an endless list of songs that never ends, the diverse audience who came to the site was rendered with much energy expended by the band. The simple, yet powerful spectacular gave birth to a link between the audience and the band is transformed into pure energy and end up convincing the audience that was worth paying the entrance. Also noteworthy is the impeccable sound, something rare in the SurActivo, that took place more than 2 hrs 1 / 2 of show. Manu

promised to return to Concepcion and is expected to keep his word, because to be honest for a long time since I went to a concert so complete, where you got so exhausted and so it vibrates. Conce than good and your audience, it was shown that the city may well be a spectacular stop international.

is not nothing but thank Another-World Productions who they are played in order to bring Manu Chao Radio Bemba.

Manu Chao Radio Bemba - Tombolatour - Design Machine Gun

Volver, Volver Radio Bemba - El Dorado 1997 Mala Vida

Sidi H 'Bibi

Radio Bemba - Bongo Bong Stretching Machine

My Life
Casa Babylon - Tumba La Vida Tombola

Radio Bemba - El Dorado 1997 and presentation

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sode Hac Bike For Sale

Inauguration of

inaugurated the portal Multimedia flamencoactual.com , this is the portal to link to our blog:

www.flamencoactual.com is a portal multimedia where we're hanging all videos and artists that are on this website, we will also hang songs on the player you are, hope you like it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Whats The Best Way To Masterbait?

Flamencoactual.com Portal and Barbara Martinez Flamenco Concha Current

Today I present to Barbara Martinez has been working since I was a kid, he debuted as an opera singer at The Metropolitan at age 10. Born in Venezuela in a family of artists, including singers and actresses: Freedom Lamarque and Morenita Rey, spent his youth in conducting opera.

Barbara has been has been running in flamenco in New York for the past 10 years as a dancer and, more recently, as a singer. She danced for several years at the Metropolitan Opera in productions of Zeffirelli's La Traviata and Carmen, sang Pilar de La Rioja in the English repertoire and has performed as a soloist in festivals at Lincoln Center, Town Hall and Symphony Space, sponsored by the Institute Music in the world. Barbara is also locking in: Sefarad spirit, Passion and Art, Gazpacho Andalú, Andrea Conte Danza Spain, Sol y Sombra, Oscar Valero Flamenco Arts Company.

"She also do other things besides flamenco, as with the Brazilian group, Brabop, directed by the legendary Carlos de Seixas, contemporary group of Colombia Coba, directed by Sebastian Cruz. Barbara also is a founding member of Fortuna Productions.

Barbara has had the pleasure of working with artists such as: Marco de Ana, La Conja, Pedro Cortes, El Costi, Alfonso Cid, Antonio Hidalgo, Carmen LaSalao, La Meira, Raul Ortega, La Repompa, Pilar Rioja, Nelida Tirado, Grammy -Winner flutist Dave Valentin, Luis Vargas. Also recently had the honor to learn flamenco dance master classes by Cirque du Soleil.

Barbara recently received a grant in 2008 from the famous Cristina Heeren Foundation in Seville, to study singing. He has also studied jazz vocal technique and jazz theory with Barry Harris. Barbara graduated with honors from Brown University (1998)

Esto saldra antes del leer mas

Esto saldra en la pagina al pulsar leer mas

Friday, July 10, 2009

Do We Really Thermostat For My Car


Hoy en FlamencoActual os presentamos a esta Madrileña, licenciada en Danza Española y galardonada con los premios nacionales de arte flamenco de Córdoba 2007 Matilde Coral y Mario Maya.

Ahora en 2009 ha presentado "Algo" en el prestigioso Festival Jerez, being awarded the "Breakthrough Award" and won praise from critics and audiences.

A received very good reviews at all sites has been discussed so I bring you today that you may see what you lose if you were not even had some knowledge, with it you can receive other types of dance, its dance, dance Concha Jarecki. with a beauty and style that characterizes it and makes it unique. The bad esq

this month can not see almost here, I leave the list of activities this month for this gem:

July 16, 2009 12:00 Classes
Love of God, every day of 12 : 00 to 13:00

Madrid July 16, 2009 20:00
Juan Antonio Suarez "Cano" and Concha Jarecki. Edinburgh (Scotland),

July 17, 2009 20:00
With "Ensemble Hispanico Numen" Edinburgh (Scotland)

July 18, 2009 12:00
Flamenco Course in Dublin on 18 and 19 July. Inf: (nathalie@flamencoyalegria.net) Dublin

July 19, 2009 20:00
Show "Just Flamenco" Dublin Dublin

Concha Jarecki presents as a leading interpreter this art, which has led to important venues and festivals in and outside the country.

appear in their educational path names like Yolanda Heredia, La China, Cristobal Reyes, La Tati, Pedro Azorin among others. Began in 1998 with the company of Rafael de Cordoba. I followed the draft Yolanda Heredia, "Women on the Verge of a bata de cola", which starred Jarecki Concha Belén Maya.

Rafaela Carrasco works like "Music of the body" and "Another look at the Flamenco" is carried important festivals, is also recognized guest tablaos. In 2005 signed the creation of the show "And batita tail" with Yolanda Heredia and Isabel Bayon.

project is choreographer of jazz-flamenco "Heritage" with Gemma Morado. In March 2008 he premiered his first play "Something", the flamenco festival "Flamingo" in Helsinki in Finland. Participate in the 2007 Biennial Malaga, Flamenco from the South 2008 and the Festival de Jerez 2008 as guest of the show "Flamenco XXI: Coffee, Cup and Puro" Dospormedio Company.

In August of that year chooses the Triangle Chamber of Madrid for the coming-out of the original proposals solo, "Something" and "Just Flamenco" two parallel spectacles in which Shell Jarecki decided not to mix and presents two sides: the Flemish and more free. School teacher at the legendary love of God, since 2004 and intensive courses taught throughout the world. Concha

Jarecki has also received the award for best solo choreography Choreography Competition in the English Dance and Flamenco in Madrid, as well as second prize in the Concurso de Cante de las Minas Flamenco 2008.

In 2009 he presented "Something" at the prestigious Festival de Jerez, being awarded the "Breakthrough Award" and won praise from critics and audiences.

How To Makecarriage Diaper

IV International Course of Flamenco Madrid 2009 01/08/2009 to 08/08/2009 by Gabriel DA ROCHA in FlamencoActual

Today we want to present, for the fourth consecutive year, the workshop Madrid Flamenco International 2009 which is organized by Gabriel DA ROCHA, The New Flamenco Academy.

are organizing an international meeting in collaboration with the famous Academia Amor de Dios in Madrid.
This is a workshop to run from August 1 until August 8, 2009 and tried to instill the art of Flamenco in all disciplines: Rhythm and Palmas, Singing, Guitar and Dance.
For all levels, from beginners to advanced, as well as professional dancers, singing and music. It is open to the public, with no nationality requirement.

are seeking ambassadors in each country and city to develop this to project.

is an association without any profit motive. It was founded on May 19, 2006 by students of the New Academy of Flamenco, the closest relatives and supporters of both teaching methods developed by Gabriel DA ROCHA, as the principles that lead

The person who brings together five people for the workshop, pay only 50% of the course, and if it gets to collect a total of 10 registered will not pay anything and you can take the classes you want.

want it to be truly international, and each year cheaper and more targeted to the educational needs of each student and teachers.

need help with people who have the same concerns as them for a quality teaching Flamenco and an absolute desire to leave something concrete to students.

not hesitate to contact them for whatever you want, information of any kind, I would greatly appreciate your cooperation and I encourage you to I think it seems to me very good idea, I play guitar and despite having a Madrid little far I'm seriously considering. Now it is up to you who opiánis.

- More info and Contact: gabriel.da.rocha @ new-academy-of-flamenco.com

- Download and print your application form

- Find out everything here.

- and also very interesting for those who sign up and want information about the stay in Madrid: The Student Guide


hor Rent as

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where To Watch Digital Playground Films Online




Date: 08/07/2009 20:00
Held Other Accents, Radio 5 and Radio Exterior de Spain.
, MADRID, Madrid

Date: 10/07/2009 20:00
Location: More Intereconomia Cuba lost in TV. LIVE PERFORMANCE AND INTERVIEW
, MADRID, Madrid

http://www.myspa ce.com / miriammendezbachflamenco


Date: 11/07/2009 20:00
Location: Mataro
NII Lasal the variator, Mataro, Barcelona

Date: 24/07/2009 20:00
Location: Girona

Date: 25/07/2009 20:00
Location: Girona

http://ww w.myspace.com / barrionegrobn

Russian Potluck Ideas

FlamencoActual good


"Enrique Morente and Nick Lizard" OMEGA "
Date: 09/07/2009 23:30 Thursday
Held Theater "The Axerquía" Córdoba

XIV Flamenco Festival Mengíbar
Date: 10/07/2009 22 Friday
Place: Courtyard of the Casa de Cultura Mengíbar Huelva
singing: Guillermo Cano, Rubito son, Sonia Miranda, The Troy
touch: Ruben Levaniegos, Child Sponsorship, Alberto Lucena
Dance: Lola Perez

"Miguel Poveda: "VERSES OF DESIRE"
Date: 10/07/2009 23:30
Friday Venue: Theatre "The Axerquía" Córdoba

El Bicho: imagine '
Date: 10/07/2009 22:30 Friday
Held Castle Town Sevilla Alcalá de Guadaira
II International Arts Festival 'Vaivenes Flamencos'

Charity Flamenco Festival - Guildford
Date: 10/07/2009 22:00
Friday Where: Plaza de Toros Sevilla Guillena
The poster is made up of Fernando de la Morena, Nano de Jerez, Tamara Tane, Ana Ramírez The Yiya, Juan Lara, Alberto The Wig, The Pescailla, Juan Ramirez, Rocio Luna, Manuel Charro, Sonia Garcia, Diego Gomez and Antonio Duque. Guitarists will be Fernando Moreno, Fernando Rodriguez, Francisco Romero and Isaac Moreno

José Manuel León + Artomatico 'electric Sirimusa'
Date: 11/07/2009 22:30 Saturday
Location: Castle Town Alcalá de Guadaira Sevilla
II International Arts Festival 'Vaivenes Flamencos'

Sirimusa - José Manuel León

flamenco festival tribute to Pepe Jiménez
Date: 11/07/2009 23:30
Saturday Venue: Fairground Booth " Parrala "Moguer Huelva
singing: Marina Heredia, José de la Tomasa, Canela de San Roque, M ª Angeles Cruzado
dance: Farruco YSU group
touch: Manolo Franco, Anotnio Carrión, José Quevedo Bolita

XI Noche Flamenca of Cartaojal
Date : 11/07/2009 22:30
Saturday Location: MALAGA Cartaojal
singing: Montse Cortés, Juan Pinilla, Chato Velez, dance: La Lupi (dance), Sergio Aranda (dance)

PEPE ROMERO / Maria Bayo
Date: 11/07/2009
21 Saturday Venue: Gran Teatro Córdoba
PALOMO LORENZO Works and Celedonio Romero.

XLI Meeting Cante Jondo
Date: 11/07/2009 23 Saturday
Place: Courtyard of Hacienda La Fuenlonguilla "Puebla de Cazalla Sevilla

Javier Barón 'Dime'
Date : 12/07/2009 22:30 Sunday
Location: Castle Town Sevilla Alcalá de Guadaira
II International Festival Performing Arts 'Vaivenes Flamencos'

Triana De Cadiz is passed through the port!
Date: 16/07/2009 22:30 Thursday
Venue: Baluarte de la Candelaria, Cádiz
Aurora Vargas and concert Pansequito

Etnosur thirteen
Date: From 17/07/2009 to 19/07/2009 Place
: Festival Etnosur
Jaen Alcala la Real World Music Festival, dedicated this edition to
flamenco flamenco workshops Biale, drawer, bar ... etnoteca, etnochill, movies, forum, literature classroom, video documentaries, circus, theater, exhibitions ...
ConVivencias: Lebrijano, Esperanza Fernández Pedro María Peña, Reanaud Garcia-Fons, Theodosii Sapssov, Pastora Galván, Enrique Morente ... Luis García Montero, Matt Sanchez Duendeando live ...

cohabitation: Dorantes with Lebrijano / Esparanza Fernández, Pastora Galván, ...
Date: 19/07/2009 22:30
Sunday Venue: Festival Etnosur 2mil9 Alcalá la Real Jaen

Rafael Estevez & La Moneta
Date: 20/07/2009 Monday
Location: PEN COAL - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Andrés Peña & Pilar Ogalla
Date: 21/07/2009 Tuesday
Held PEN COAL - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Rosario Toledo, Palomar and Dani Méndez with "From the first step"
Date: 22/07/2009 21:00 Wednesday
Location: Corral del Carbon - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Flemish Experiences!
Date: 23/07/2009 22:30 Thursday
Venue: Baluarte de la Candelaria Juana la del Cádiz
Shuffle, Shuffle Martin, Joselito Mendez, Maria Mix, Felipe Scapachini. Dance: Stephanie Cuevas and his group

El Cabrero, Vicente Soto, La Macanita, Rubito child - the guitar - Rafael Rodriguez, Manuel Valencia, ...
Date: 23/07/2009 23 Thursday
Place: Colegio Francisco Reina Sevilla Martin de la Jara Olga

Date: 23/07/2009 Thursday
Location: PEN COAL - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Diego Carrasco 'Families' / Miguel Poveda & Chicuelo
Date: 24/07/2009 Friday
Location: Seville Square Lebrija Hospitalillo

VII Festival Flamenco Curro Lucena
Date: 24 / 07/2009 22:30 Friday
Location: Lucena Córdoba Santiago Llanete

38 Festival de Cante Grande
Date: 25/07/2009
23 Saturday Venue: Polideportivo Antonio Sánchez Málaga Casabermeja
singing: Calixto Sánchez, Cancanilla, Marina Heredia, Jesus Mendez
touch : Manolo Franco, Antonio Moya, Furball, Miguel Salado
dance: Pepe Torres

La Fiesta de la Guitarra de Marchena
Date: 25/07/2009 22 Saturday
Place: Plaza de San Juan Marchena Sevilla
Al cante will Julián Estrada, Luis Heredia The Police, Blondie of Pará, son, Vicente Gelo Laura Vital and singing. The ball shall touch Luisa Palicio and Child Niño de Pura and Elijah, will be presented by Antonio Beltrán Lucena.

44 edition of the Caracolá Lebrijana
Date: 25/07/2009 Saturday
Location: Seville Square Lebrija Hospitalillo
Curro Malena, Enrique Morente and Juan Peña El Lebrijano

singing: Manolo Osuna, dance Leonor Leal
Date: 28/07/2009 21:00
Tuesday Venue: Corral del Carbon - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Guitar: Miguel Angel Cortes / dance: Patricia Guerrero
Date: 29/07/2009
21.00 pm Wednesday Where: Corral del Carbon - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Date: 30/07/2009 22:30 Thursday
Venue: Baluarte de la Candelaria
Cádiz cante, Vicente Soto Sordera, Paco Reyes, Yeye de Cadiz, Luis Mateo, .. Dance: Ed Guerrero

singing: Nene de Santa Fe / dance: Alba Heredia
Date: 30/07/2009 Thursday
Location: PEN COAL - C / Mariana Pineda, 12 Granada

Sergio Monroy presents his new work "Chicuco"
Date: 31/07/2009 22 Friday
Location: Santa Catalina Castillo Cádiz
Chicuco - Sergio Monroy

El Cabrero, El Rubio de Illora, Cia de Lucía de Miguel
Date: 31/07/2009 22 Friday
Location: Site Illora Granada Festival

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Does A Dropped Uterus Feel Like

MIRIAM MENDEZ great composer and pianist FlamencoActual

open today to present to a great pianist and composer flamenco.
This Seville pianist besides being beautiful is an artist who is able to fuse flamenco with classical music as it does on his album "FLAMENCO BY BACH."
began his studies with only 3 years old and 5 produced his first compositions.

His first concert he did at 12, has been in a number of prestigious concert halls throughout Europe (Concertbouwg in the Netherlands, La Maestranza de Sevilla, El Liceo de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe Teatro de la Villa de Madrid) , presentation of festivals, made for television and for many famous performances.

His first recording was "BACH FOR FLAMENCO"
out another album to be exact it out on March 31 and his name is: MOZART " SUEÑO FLAMENCO "

Available at:
El Corte Inglés FNAC


Some have dared to qualify and Carmen Amaya in the piano. Take a look and you'll like us and not going to leave you indifferent.

A gift for your ears.

I leave here The Myspace and website so you can hear some of his songs:



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Should Be My Results Zumba

FlamencoActual Concerts In Barcelona the Well

Lists dates of

Well Artist: Sabadell Flamenco Art Ensemble web
Date: 10/07/2009 22 Friday
Held Pati del Museu d'Art (Comedy, 2). Sabadell Barcelona / Catalonia

Artist: Flamenc & Classic web
Date: 07/17/2009 22 Friday
Held Pati del Museu d'Art (Comedy, 2) Sabadell Barcelona / Catalonia

Artist: MANOLO FRANCO, guitar / PACO TARANTO, Singer invited web
Date: 07/24/2009 22 Friday
Location: "30 Nits to Sabadell" at the Museu d'Art Pati Sabadell Barcelona / Catalonia

Artist: José Mercé
Date: 10/04/2009 19:00 Sunday
Held Gran Teatre del Liceu Barcelona / Catalonia

Rules Cavalry Stetson

AMARO: Announces new LP: FlamencoActual

Today we want to show this young artist. His name is Sergio Amaro . In my space
explains a little of their history but we want to highlight is the launch of their new LP. Him out in August but we can already hear some of their songs here: http://www.demosmusic.es/fichajq.php?id=491

Vallaise I recommend you see the next steps

5 September 2009 22:00
BILL CHILL ROOM Madrid, Madrid

October 17, 2009 20:00

November 5, 2009
22 : 30 SALA TABOO Madrid, Madrid
different projects is currently alternating between Madrid and Miami with performances in the play "Flores Secas, which takes four years to sign with his guitar which provides the voice.
