For the first time together on one stage the current exponents of this musical style. The old and new breed of folk singers, gathered, to capture the human and the divine.
This time the meeting will be June 12 in Talcahuano La Tortuga, where we will enjoy the voices and guitars of the renowned national musicians:
- Eduardo Gatti Fernando Ubiergo
- Mauricio Redolar
- Manuel García
- Nano Stern
- Gepe
- Javier Barria Camila Moreno
- Kaskivano
- Angelo Escobar
- Pascuala Ilabaca
- Evelyn Cornejo Feliciano
- Saldías
- Rocío Peña Fabiola González
- "The Chinganera"
- Carolina Raspberry
- Gabriel Alcayaga
- Carolina Jaque
- Gaston Gomez
The format chosen for this occasion, refers to our roots: The call to the wheel. The song at the wheel, also known as "Carnaza" is the election to boost the singers return to their tunes. Three singers on stage, taking turns to play their creations, creating a unique atmosphere and an unforgettable show: The Chilean Folk Summit.
To keep abreast of the latest information connect to twitter @ LaCumbreDelFolk
Tickets available from Tuesday 25 in:
FEC - U. Students Federation Concepcion, Peru Plaza
FEUBB - U. Students Federation Bio-Bio, Concepción and Chillán
FEUCSC - U. Students Federation Holy Conception Catholic
Room 2 Box Office - Monday through Friday from 14 Hrs. Bonita
Club - Wednesday through Saturday from 20 hrs. to 4:30 pm. - Payments: Cash or Redbank. Rengo to Argentina, Concepción. Carreño
Musical Instruments - Underground Gallery Caracol, Concepción
Ships to Regions produccion@lacumbredelfolk.cl mail and web- . We report
new points of sales regions. Prices
· Gallery
court · $ 4,000 $ 6,000 $ 8,000
court ·
Gastón Gómez Jaque Carolina - Carolina Raspberry - Alcayaga
Angelo Gabriel Escobar - Evelyn Cornejo - Angelo Feliciano Escobar
Cornejo Evelyn Feliciano Saldías
Pascuala Ilabaca - Kaskivano - Chinganera
Pascuala Ilabaca
Gepe - Rocío Peña - Javier Barria Javier Barria
Rocío Peña Mauricio Redolar
Gepe - Fernando Ubiergo - Eduardo Gatti
Fernando Mauricio Eduardo Gatti Ubiergo
Manuel García - Nano Stern - Camila Moreno Camila Moreno
Nano Stern Manuel García
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